Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Communication: Speech is one symptom of Affection

Emily Dickinson
Speech is one symptom of Affection
And Silence one —
The perfectest communication
Is heard of none —
Exists and its indorsement
Is had within —
Behold, said the Apostle,
Yet had not seen!

In education, communication is so important with everyone involved in the process, which can be parents, students, other faculty or other teacher. The way to stay connected with so many different people is easy now with this technology age. Blogs are easy for people to follow, also creating a website, facebook page or twitter feed for classroom activities. Overall, it is very important to keep everyone up to date on what is happening inside the classroom.

The reason I placed the Dickinson poem above is that she discusses the best communication is within yourself, as great and true as that is, the reason we have social media is the ability to share your thoughts about what is going on. Therefore, students should have an area where they can interact and share what they have been holding within.

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